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Toy and Onesie

Perinatal Counseling


Do you feel like a failure as a mom? Do you feel like it’s impossible for you to do everything you need to do to care for your little one and yourself?


New mothers want to be great at what they do. They want to be able to respond to their children’s needs and to know how to handle any situation. They want to be able to handle the bad days and celebrate the good days, all the while keeping their family happy and healthy.

Many expecting mothers have a very rosy idea of what it is to be a mother. Before their child is born, they often dream about all the joy their new baby will bring into their lives. They image themselves being the one who holds the family together, creating a loving home for their families.


Now-a-days expecting mothers usually even buy books and research every aspect of motherhood before their baby is born. They take it very seriously. They change their lives to do what will be best for the baby. They ask themselves tough questions like, “should I breast feed or use formula.” They’re ready to sacrifice whatever they have to do what’s best for the baby. They tend to put a lot of pressure on themselves to be perfect. By the time the baby is born, they have built up a lot of expectations in their minds about the experience will be like. 


But the reality of motherhood can be a shock. Women can get so tired that, when they look in the mirror, they hardly even recognize themselves anymore. The overwhelming reality of taking care of a new-born can make their lives feel chaotic. Their house can get messy, and they can give up altogether on self-care. This experience can cause depression. Their days can turn into a blur. 


The demands of taking care of a baby can be surprising to new mothers. Sometimes the stress of the experience can take away from the joy of the experience, and new mothers even, at times, have difficulty bonding with their baby. It doesn’t mean that they are bad people or parents.


Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious and stressed-out?


New mothers don’t get much sleep. Sometimes they get to the point that all they want to do is close their eyes. But often, when they start to take a nap, they hear their baby crying, and they have to get up again. This can leave an individual feeling numb. They know that they should feel an emotional response to their baby’s crying, but sometimes they don’t. Women in this situation sometimes feel like they will never be a normal, happy person again. 

Moms want to be self-less and not selfish. But the reality of their new life can make them start to wonder why they ever wanted to be a mom in the first place. The experience doesn’t usually feel the way they imagined it would. Sometimes this experience can cause people to lose the joy they had for their baby. When this becomes the case, it’s time to get some help.  


Do you feel like you’ve sacrificed everything in your life to be a parent?


Individuals may have a strong desire to be parents, but that doesn’t mean that they are ready for the difficult adjustments of having a baby. People think they will sail through the post-partum period with no problem, but many find that they experience emotional issues that they can’t handle on their own. It isn’t easy for people to admit that they are disappointed by parenthood. But they shouldn’t feel bad about it. There is nothing more difficult than being a mom. 

The truth is a lot of new mothers struggle with postpartum depression. It isn’t anything to be ashamed of, and it’s treatable. Sometimes women feel like they are the only ones who are going thought it. New mothers need to create a plan to deal with their emotions and to focus on the positive things they have to offer. 


What You Will Gain in Postpartum Counseling with Hope and Thrive Counseling


  • You will learn to believe in yourself and in your ability to care for yourself and your child

  • You will gain an understanding of the changes your brain and body go through after you’ve had a baby and the impact these changes have on your mood

  • You will be given the resources you need to reach out for help and to establish a strong support system.

  • You will be able to live in the present moment with your new family without experiencing depression and/or anxiety symptoms.

  • You will find hope knowing you are growing into the mother you want to be


The Postpartum Counseling Process


Postpartum Counseling is intended to help you find the support you need to adjust to all the challenges that come when you add a new baby to your family. Together, we will identify the reasons behind the emotional struggles you are experiencing such as the hormonal changes occurring in your brain and body. We will also explore any lingering trauma and attachment issues that might be impacting your ability to bond with your new baby.  

We’ll meet together weekly for 50-minute sessions. Typically, postpartum counseling sessions continue for several weeks, as it is an in-depth process to explore the complexities that contribute to new moms’ struggles. Research shows that women can experience postpartum anxiety and/or depression for up to a year, but once they begin counseling, many moms report a reduction in symptoms. Once client’s symptoms have decreased, we can schedule sessions every other week.


Here’s what to expect


WEEK ONE: Intake


During this initial session, we will define the counseling relationship and discuss the details of informed consent. We will gather information about you, your family members, and your biological and social history and how this is impacting your current situation. We will also discuss the goals you have for your parenting-relationship going forward.


WEEK TWO and Beyond: Postpartum Counseling


Together, in each subsequent session, we will use evidenced-based psychotherapy models to treat the struggles you are experiencing postpartum. One such therapeutic approach is Interpersonal Psychotherapy. With this model, we will explore how the recent change of adding a new baby to your family relates to your cultural beliefs, attachment styles, social experiences, spirituality, and your support system.

Each session is designed to discover how the above factors contribute to your current distress. Together we will process the current state of your family relationships and set goals for where you want them to be.

We will examine the ways your thoughts hold you back, identify the ways your feelings and behaviors influence each other and discuss internal changes you can make to form better attachments.


TERMINATION: 1-2 Final Sessions


In our final sessions, we will review your goals to ensure you are satisfied with your counseling experience and that our work together has met your expectations. We will also outline a plan going forward so that you are able to retain what we have worked on together and implement all you have learned outside of the session.


More About Us


Hi, at Hope and Thrive Counseling Center we believe wholeheartedly in research. We devote ourselves to the study of healing and using our knowledge to help moms adjust to the postpartum period. Our passion is to use evidenced-based practices with our perinatal clients so they benefit from the latest science and data.  

Whether they have just had their first baby or their fifth, each mother goes through changes in the postpartum period. We are dedicated to helping moms with new babies form functional and bonded relationships with their family members.

It is our mission to help moms see beyond the hazy fog of the postpartum period to the joy of what life can look like once they find a sense of normalcy again. You can read more about us training and specialties here (ABOUT PAGE)


Who Benefits Most from Postpartum Counseling


Postpartum Counseling is best for women who realize there is a gap between the mom they are and the mom they want to be. Postpartum Counseling helps moms work through the fears that are preventing them from accomplishing daily tasks, caring for themselves, and bonding with their babies.

You will benefit from Postpartum Counseling sessions if:

  • You feel isolated and that there is no one who can help with your family situation

  • You are struggling to maintain the basics like taking care of the house, showering, and nurturing your child

  • You are trying your hardest to look like a “put together” mom, but inside you’re falling apart

  • You are afraid of things that never frightened you before, and it’s keeping you from sleeping, leaving the house, and relating with others

  • You no longer believe in yourself or your ability to raise a happy, healthy child


What Does Postpartum Counseling Cost?


Postpartum Counseling is a fee for service program and Hope and Thrive Counseling accepts all major forms of payment.

Each session costs $150, and you and I will discuss the recommended number of sessions during our initial contact based on your unique situation.

I accept insurance and offer in-network and out-of-network benefits. You can read more about the policies I accept and payment options here (link).


Your Next Steps


It is possible to be kind to yourself as a mom with a new baby. You will be able to live a full life, knowing you have the knowledge and resources to create a bonded family. You will feel hopeful, knowing that you can and will become the mom you want to be.

Even if you don’t have the strength right now to handle all that motherhood entails, that doesn’t mean you can’t develop the skills you need to feel capable and competent at raising your baby.

You’ll be able to recognize when the changes in your brain and body are impacting your mood and sense of self. You will have the coping skills to reduce your anxiety so that you can show up and function for your new family without worry. Ultimately, you’ll find a way to create emotional stability four yourself and your loved ones and know you’ll be a successful parent going forward regardless of how much you’ve struggled postpartum.


To schedule a postpartum counseling session with Hope and Thrive Counseling Center call 360-383-8682


If you are having an emergency please call 9-1-1, go to the local ER, and/or call the crisis line at 800-584-3578.







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506 Grover St, Suite 115
Lynden, WA 98264



1151 Ellis Street, Suite 201
Bellingham, WA 98225


(360) 383-8682

Fax: (360) 200-1784


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